Exam + level 5/6 prep course

Exam + level 5/6 prep course

Choose the ELPT exam, trusted by over 2,300 pilots all over Europe! Use the friendly exam formula and enjoy the convenience of taking online whenever and wherever you want! Exam dates available within 72 hours. We deliver the result to you and to the Civil Aviation Authority within 7 working days.

You can read the description of the exam in the presentation by clicking here.

In addition, take advantage of the course that will allow you to expand your knowledge and skills in the field of English and show you proven ways to get one of the higher levels on the exam!

The package includes 3 months of access to the ICAO Aviation English course (renewable) so that you can prepare for the exam. You can also extend it with a mock exam and / or conversations with our lecturers-pilots. Just click here!

Access counts from the date of purchase. You may also use “buy as a gift” option (at the end of your purchase) – this will generate a special code that you may use at any time and your access will count from that day then.

Email: kontakt@icao4.me               
Tel.: +48 724 319 596


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